Funny thing... cand am uploadat imaginea pe serverul blogului mi s-a spus "terminat"... I guess that says it all... also, extrase din Metallica - Some kind of monster:
These are the eyes that can't see me
These are the hands that drop your trust
This is the tongue that speaks on the inside
These are the ears that ring with hate
This is the face that'll never change
These are the lips that taste no freedom
This is the feel that's not so safe
This is the god that ain't so pure
This is the pain that never leaves
This is the tongue that whips you down
These are the screams that pierce your skin
These are the looks that chill to the bone
These are the fears that swing over head
This is the black that uncolors us
This is the mask that comes undone
This is the end that will never end
Are we, the people,
Some kind of monster?
Si, in final, anunt ca renunt la pozitia mea de zeu suprem pentru functia de monstru uman ... have a fucking awesome day!
ci versuri. must listen it more these days. e pe felie cu tematica mea dramatica. :))