Somebody asked me today about my life... "how is it?", she said...
There was a time when I could have easily answered this question... I had all the details ready, my plans were made and they were final... Every little thing was settled and put in my mind's list...
Today, I had no idea what to say. I had to sit and think and fill 5 yahoo window rows with insignificant words. Basically, I didn't say anything. This means only one thing : a confirmation that my life is based on a daily routine. It has no plans, no route to follow, just trying to get the maximum out of every situation that appears during the day. However, I'm not lost... I thought there were only 2 situations: plans made = calculated steps and no plans = lost in life. Based on that, you would take the necessary measures to make it better. Well, I found a new one : the nothing between them.
This situation is better described as "waiting for the day to pass to get back to sleep". It has a lil to do with "wasting your life". The thing that is weird is that in this situation there are no measures to take. You just wake up, do what you have to do and then get back to bed. You can't try and make things better.
What could you do? Make your bed perfect in order to sleep better? Drink your way out and forgetting stuff? There's really nothing to do. Probably, you must have something to push you from behind.
Anyway, a good and worth-while purpose is hard to find... So , I think I'll stick to making the time between sleep hours as useful and meaningful as I can.
Adevaratul scop al acestui articol este:
*vand monitor lcd samsung 19", mic defect dar ne-vizibil - 300 lei
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si as mai putea adauga:
* vand drepturi post-autopsice asupra organelor mele
Cine e interesat sa cumpere ma gaseste pe id-ul c_andyman82 !
duminică, 30 august 2009
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1+6 = 7 si al 2-lea 7 ...
RăspundețiȘtergereora postarii: 16:27
u really need to get laid, bob...
RăspundețiȘtergere=)) ... cred ca tocmai de asta nu are nevoie bob ... any other bright suggestions? :))
RăspundețiȘtergeredaca n-aveai pisica, ti-as fi sugerat ceva heavy drugs.
RăspundețiȘtergereera un articol funny-wannabe undeva...
relationship vs heavy drugs
Rezulta clar ca heavy drugs sunt de preferat, au rezultate mai putin dezastruoase, si daca-ti provoaca moartea, nu mori in chinuri.
Chiar, metoda f originala... o supradoza. Mori fara emotii ca atunci cand te tai cu cutitul de paine la jugulara. Sau...daca te-ai arunca de pe un bloc-pana ajungi jos e nasol, cred. Si-ti mai imprastii si creierii pe toata strada. Alta metoda naspa cred ca ar fi spanzuratul. Nu de alta, da' e si chinuitor- ca iti rupi gatul si te sufoci- si e si jenant pt baieti- am auzit ca ramai cu instrumentul erect. O metoda iar, foarte naspa, e sa inghiti soda caustica. De obicei scapi, cu arsuri pe esofag, si apoi o vreme indelungata mananci printr-o palnie atasata la un furtun care-ti iese din stomac. Neplacut. Metoda mea de sinucidere, cea mai lenta probabil, e infometarea. Cu multa autosugestie, se poate face. Si e destul de painlesss. Bine... doar foamea constanta, dar nu-i o durere chinuitoare, cum ar fi tortura cu acid turnat pe piele, dupa care presarata sare, apoi clor.
Uhm... da. Deci pt tine, parerea mea e ca cel mai bine ti s-ar potrivi sinuciderea prin supradoza. Numa' sa ai grija sa nu te gaseasca nimeni,sa scapi, inchide-te intr-o debara ceva. Ca daca esuezi... ce poate fi mai lame decat sa-ti ratezi propria sinucidere...
what are you talking about? cine a zis ceva de sinucidere? sa ne fereasca bob de asa ceva..
RăspundețiȘtergereTine minte:
LifeLesson#4: If your life stinks and you didn't put a gun in your mouth, you are a winner!
cam mici orizonturile tale daca ai trecut de la getting laid la suicide... nu e nimic intre ele? n-as vrea sa fiu in pielea iubitului tau... stiu ca e ceva comun ca dupa sex sa vina despartirea si apoi "nu ma lasa ca ma sinucid"... sper sa nu fie cazul tau... dar.. cum ziceam, cam mic orizontul tau.. in cazul de fata cel putin...
poate-s lesbi.