Today I have to use my amazing imagination to come up with some nice wishes to put on a new year's card... I also have to make some discs and organize some payments that I have to make soon... Also some other stuff which will hurt my eyes... oh yeah, and I have to clean up my little flat... you can't stay in the same house with the garbage all the time... as my ex did... but I did got out from time to time hehe...
This is going to be a bilingual post... why? cos I say so... cos I can... cos I want to... kiddin'... no, I'm not... mostly because I want to... this way some of my english speaking friends will get to understand some of the news... and I can also use the advantage of my native language to exploit its limits and maleability...
So... as news... I have to say that I've been keeping myself busy lately... even when I didn't had work to do, I found some personal projects to take care of... some of them include backing up my pc and important files... also had de re-upload a personal site about 5 times changing every time the domain name and etc, which has been a total pain in the donkey... and few people use that page, I feel my work is so unappreciated... but hey, it's something I stand for and I'm proud to have and I won't give up on it even if I have to work a lot on it.
In other order of ideas, I am gaining weight... yeeey... again... I have reached 76 kilos again... I need to remind you that I used to have 56 kilos till 3 years ago or so... Yesterday I bought a pair of jeans, which my cousin and her hot friend told me that they fit so well... I put them on today and they were bursting... it's a good thing I'm not ashamed with my genitals cos these jeans are so tight that I have a bulge even when I have my hands in my pockets... which is explainable... as I have tiny/cute hands...
You remember my facebook post that said "andrei micutz is growing hair"? Well... I am... I am trying to let it grow long... I have white hair... even if I cut it to a size 1 (0.3 mm) I can still see those white threads ... that plus the fact that I am a micutz damn rocker... made me want longer hair... and dye it dark black...and I want to have it as long as it takes to be a real headbanger... rock on! and peace!
I have to praise my baby Indy now... she has 4500km made under my hands and legs and she is so amazing... no problems... well, except some minor issues with the wipers and some burned down light bulbs... don't know if all of them are the same but I am slowly becoming a Volkswagen fan... any opinions on this?
anyway, that's about all... in English... so... when I'll have more English news, check out my facebook and/or they'll be posted here... take care!
si acum... care ati mai ramas, vorbitori de engleza si de romaneste... vreau sa va spun ca de azi vreau sa infiintez o noua mare rubrica... pentru ca avem multi amici plecati in afara si ptr ca stiu ca si ei vor sa auda noutati si vesti despre ce se mai intampla pe la bloc, cu amicii comuni, cu zona, etc, vreau sa fac un mic lucru ptr ei.. si anume sa scriu/relatez intamplari de la bloc, intamplari petrecute intre ai nostrii prieteni comuni si chestii discutate/barfite la bloc... asadar, de azi inainte veti avea:
... hmmmm... ma gandesc ca mai bine sa nu mai scriu rubrica asta... nu stiu cat de mult succes va avea... daca va place insa, sa imi spuneti... si ori fac ceva similar ori chiar pot continua cu aceeasi rubrica... just let me know!
Mda... si pana la urma ca veste va pot spune ca de revelion ma veti gasi acolo unde sunt mereu seara... si anume acasa... cu vodka in mana si cu iubita de Missy deasupra... bine, s-ar putea sa fiu cotropit de dorintele unor fete cucuiete (aka Teo si Fetish) de a le gazdui si pe ele in acea seara magnifica... dar... cred ca tot doar eu si cu Missy voi sarbatori noaptea aceea... nu ptr ca nu le primesc la mine, micutz fereasca... dar... cred ca isi vor dori totusi sa petreaca... tinerele ele.. nu ca mine batran, singur si fara viitor...
cred ca am sa incep de pe acum sa ma gandesc la anii batranetii... caci ma simt bine acum ca nu mai fumez... si cred ca am sa apuc si 70 de ani din pacate... si ma gandeam ce naiba voi face atunci... hai ca .. acum mai reusesc sa platesc o chirie din cand in cand... dar atunci ce voi face? si de aceea va trebui sa vad ce azile ofera conditii mai bune ca sa stiu la a carui poarta voi bate atunci..
ma uitasem adineauri la two and a half men(08x12) si am ras tare rau de tot... si a fost funny ptr ca a fost un episod despre mine... it's like I was seeing myself in that 20 minutes episode... il puteti lua ca sa vedeti cine sunt eu cu adevarat... oricum, spooky sa te vezi cu alta mecla si la tv...
nu stiu ce sa mai zic.. inca nu mi-a venit nici inspiratia nici energia... so.. inca nu stiu ce am sa fac.. momentant inca stau in blugii noi sa ii largesc... macar imi stau bine pe fund... tipa de la magazin mi-a precizat chiar ca am ce arata... si imi statea in genunchi la un momendat... dar, hey, cine nu ar face asta ptr mine?! nu?
Poate ca in zilele "libere" voi avea timp sa stau in casa si sa fac dvd-uri din casetele alea vechi de la maneciu si de la revelionul de acum 4 ani gen... nu de alta dar... am tot zis ca le voi face si nu am avut timp niciodata... sau chef... sau destula bautura...
si cu acestea fiind spuse , PA!
Slagarel: "I'll be seeing you", cantec original facut in 1944 si cantat de Jimmy Durante prin anii '60... click play, clipul nu e important...
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