luni, 30 martie 2009

Heard this while standing in the darkside...

Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again...

So if you love me, let me go. And run away before I know.
My heart is just too dark to care. I can't destroy what isn't there.
Deliver me into my Fate - If I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you...

My smile was taken long ago
If I can change I hope I never know

I still press your letters to my lips
And cherish them in parts of me that sever every kiss
I couldn't face a life without your light
But all of that was ripped apart... when you refused to fight

So save your breath, I will not hear. I think I made it very clear.
You couldn't hate enough to love. Is that supposed to be enough?
I only wish you weren't my friend. Then I could hurt you in the end.
I never claimed to be a Saint...

My own was banished long ago
It took the Death of Hope to let you go

So Break Yourself Against My Stones
And Spit Your Pity In My Soul
You Never Needed Any Help
You Sold Me Out To Save Yourself
And I Won't Listen To Your Shame
You Ran Away - You're All The Same
Angels Lie To Keep Control...
My Love Was Punished Long Ago
If You Still Care, Don't Ever Let Me Know

If You Still Care, Don't Ever Let Me Know ...

ACCOUSTIC COVER(not slipknot's)

miercuri, 25 martie 2009

New look and announcement

Funny thing... cand am uploadat imaginea pe serverul blogului mi s-a spus "terminat"... I guess that says it all... also, extrase din Metallica - Some kind of monster:

These are the eyes that can't see me
These are the hands that drop your trust
This is the tongue that speaks on the inside
These are the ears that ring with hate
This is the face that'll never change
These are the lips that taste no freedom
This is the feel that's not so safe
This is the god that ain't so pure
This is the pain that never leaves
This is the tongue that whips you down
These are the screams that pierce your skin
These are the looks that chill to the bone
These are the fears that swing over head
This is the black that uncolors us
This is the mask that comes undone
This is the end that will never end

Are we, the people,

Some kind of monster?

Si, in final, anunt ca renunt la pozitia mea de zeu suprem pentru functia de monstru uman ... have a fucking awesome day!

sâmbătă, 21 martie 2009

Pentru plictiseala

Bonjour !

M-am gandit sa va ajut sa va deplictisiti cu un mic joc online. Nu aveti nevoie de nici un skill in ale tastaturii sau ale mousilor sau vreo cunostinta de lupta. Pur si simplu faceti


si veti intra in meniul unde va puteti creea luptatorul aka bruta:

Dupa care veti fi in meniu unde va veti putea vedea calitatile brutei si veti putea intra in Arena, unde va alegeti un combatant din cei 6 rasariti. Dupa fiecare lupta avansati in nivel si veti trece la nivele mai mari, unde primiti si bonusuri de viata, forta, vitalitate, rapiditate dar si surprize gen catelusi, vulpite sau ursuleti luptatori.


miercuri, 18 martie 2009

Alte discutii inteligente

Va mai prezint azi doua discutii inteligente pe care le-am avut eu pe minunatul messenger... prima e cu un tip evident turmentat ce m-a adaugat ca sa... nu stiu, caci nu am inteles nimic din discutie(sa imi spuneti daca ati inteles voi ceva) si a doua este cu o tipa/tip cu nick de fata, nu stiu (cert este ca nu o aveam in lista, ea insa ma avea), care isi cauta, probabil, ceva pe mess la intamplare.... Aveti si voi parte de asa ceva sau doar eu sunt norocosul?

TITLU: cat de prosti este baietii care este prosti

Micutz: sal
lovari_2007 lovari_2007: sall
Micutz: cine esti?
lovari_2007 lovari_2007: un bayat stefan
lovari_2007 lovari_2007:
Micutz: ok
Micutz: and? de ce m-a adaugat stefan?
lovari_2007 lovari_2007: dec
lovari_2007 lovari_2007: da ma sty de un de va
lovari_2007 lovari_2007:
lovari_2007 lovari_2007: ?
Micutz: pai nu... tocmai de asta intreb
lovari_2007 lovari_2007: un de stay tu
Micutz: bucuresti.. berceni...
Micutz: nu vad ce legatura are asta cu faptul ca m-ai adaugat
lovari_2007 lovari_2007: ms pa
Micutz: ideea e ca te intreb eu de ce m-ai adaugat
lovari_2007 lovari_2007: nimik
lovari_2007 lovari_2007: in plus
Micutz: in plus ce?
lovari_2007 lovari_2007: nik

TITLU: discutie erotica cu o vampiroaica gay

carmina carmina: buna
Micutz: buna
Micutz: ?
carmina carmina: buna
carmina carmina: ne stim?
Micutz: pai nu stiu.. tu mi-ai zis "buna"
carmina carmina: k
carmina carmina: nu ne stim
carmina carmina: pa pa
Micutz: nb
carmina carmina: muie
carmina carmina: scuze de muie
carmina carmina: vrei sa vb?
Micutz: nu stiu daca are vreun rost
carmina carmina: k
carmina carmina: scuze
carmina carmina: era pt alcineva
carmina carmina: pa
Micutz: nu are nimic.. o seara buna
carmina carmina: muie
carmina carmina: scuze pentru muie
carmina carmina: te pup
carmina carmina: pe muie
carmina carmina: sunt curtva de aia am limbajul asta
carmina carmina: imi cer scuze pt cele 2 mui
carmina carmina: scuza-ma tot tie ti-am scris?????
carmina carmina: iarta-ma
Micutz: da, inteleg.. obisnuinta.. sa stii ca cunosc curve care nu au deloc un limbaj ca al tau... e mai mult vorba de buna crestere si anturaj.. oricum.. o seara buna
carmina carmina: ai citit ceva in seara asta?
carmina carmina: esti pictor?
Micutz: sunt pianist, fac echilibristica
carmina carmina: ai degetele lungi?
Micutz: calc pe petale sonore
Micutz: cele de la picioare sunt enorme
Micutz: port 49
carmina carmina: labagiule, ai o laba mare
Micutz: stii unde port 49?
carmina carmina: in cur
carmina carmina: calibru
Micutz: la ... muie... si cu asta am incheiat.. la revedere si o seara cat mai placuta si productiva

Imi cer de pe acum scuze celor afectati de un limbaj sau paragraf vulgar. Apropo, cei sub 18 ani sa nu cititi ce am scris mai sus, e recomandat ca de la titlu sa sariti direct aici sa cititi si apoi sa inchideti pagina. Sau puteti citi linistiti ca oricum auziti asa replici si prin casa, pe strada, in prima noapte de sex la doar 11 ani, etc... Pana una alta va spun: la munca, nu la intins.. pe mess!

joi, 12 martie 2009

Matricea micutzicidiana

Se da urmatoarea ecuatie:

Sfaturi de rezolvare: matricea se rezolva ca determinant prin metoda lui Sarrus.

Se cer urmatoarele:

1) M + U = ?

2) Ce semnifica M si ce semnifica U ?

3) Data si ora !

Succes !!!

miercuri, 11 martie 2009

Subliminal in all its glory

Salutare blogule! Azi iti voi prezenta ceva foarte adanc, misterios, interesant, infricosator chiar... Iti voi vorbi despre subliminal messages. Cativa dintre cititorii tai nu vor intelege despre ce vorbesc, de aceea am sa si explic, blogule... nu? nu cativa? mai multi?... ah.. marea majoritate? hmm.. ok.. atunci eu, tu, dnul Marinescu, aici de fata, cu care ma sfatuiam acum si putini dintre voi stiu ce este aia un mesaj subliminal, care este! Pentru ceilalti exista mastercard... nu nu nu, glumesc, pentru ceilalti exista .

Mesajul subliminal este acel mesaj ascuns "printre randuri". A nu se confunda cu propozitiile cu dublu inteles gen "mi-o dai diseara cand ne vedem", unde ori ii va aduce ceva ori ii va da un strop de placere. Este total diferit. Se spunea ca "jingle bells" are un mesaj subliminal, ceva diavolesc in el dar.. nu mai stiu exact ce si cum... Insa va prezint azi formatia SLIPKNOT ! Intr-unul din articolele tale, blogule, foarte vechi, ti-am prezentat melodia Vermillion Part2. Eh, astazi ii vom da play INVERS !!! In el se ascund cateva mesaje subliminale.

Si aici ne dam seama de urmatoarele mesaje:

0:29-0:33 "Hero. He was my hero."
0:54 "I opened my big mouth"
1:22-1:26 "Just open your eyes and see a noose."
1:45-2:00 "Satan, he must not know."?
2:13-2:30 "Is this the worst? What is this? Lost. He was a hero he knows it. Never again, he did a lot. Let me in the place that I stand as you."
2:32-2:34 "He is still a one lost soul"
2:42-2:46 "If there was a resolution."
2:51-2:55 "Don't ask me, I'm scarred."
2:58-3:04 "Is this the one lost? This is the one, I just know it!"
3:10-3:16 I'm some afraid..I'm So afraid..Who is that?
3:10-3:17 "I, someway, still vain with you. Who is that? I am not worthy"
3:18-3:24 "Yeah it must never stop. Yes I'm sorry, bitch yes."

Am mai sters din multele mesaje pe care unii au crezut ca le-au regasit in video. Dar, cel putin, intre 2:13 si 2:34 se aude totul super clar. Voi ce auziti in clip? Incercati sa ascultati la casti, se aude mult mai clar vocea. PS: Sa nu va speriati de Michael pe la 2:05 , autorul clipului a bagat si o imagine subliminala sau macar a incercat . VERSIUNEA ORIGINALA AICI!

De asemenea, in multe melodii ale trupei sunt zeci de mesaje de genul asta. Va voi prezenta alte clipuri prin linkuri. Cititi comentariile userilor sa vedeti daca intelegeti din versurile ascunse ceea ce inteleg si ei.

Video 2
Video 3
Video 4

Trebuie sa recunosc ca le-am vizionat dimineata si m-au trecut cativa fiori. Oare ce se mai ascunde prin melodiile lor sau ale altora? Hmmm... anyway... blogule, te las cu un clip audio.. un slagar nou al lor... unul atat de ravasitor incat, blogule, nu stiu cum ai sa treci peste articolul asta!

Auditie placuta!

duminică, 8 martie 2009


-The story of the darkside -

The darkside… a place where you go with or without your will... where darkness is constantly present... a place where you seem to be stuck and you can't get out... or maybe you just won't wish to run from.... A place where u are all alone and that is the only good thing about that miserable environment.. Have you been there?

I have !

I'm guessing my last sentence will make you want to review the first few lines... no need to do so... Have you ever felt darkness all around?.. drifting further everyday with no actual purpose? Would you go there by your own will?

You enter the zone.. you get hit by the blackness you're in.. surrounded by a cold mist that cuts the power circuit in your knees... you can see the powerful wind almost wanting to pound you to the ash looking dirt but you can't feel it.. a place where, if rain falls, the drops of water turn into small stones and get blended into the ground dust but somehow you are being avoided by each and every falling stone... a place where you can't see much and if somebody would come towards you, running into your direction, you would only see it when he is right in your face.. the creepy sight manages to both calm you down and make you frightened at the same time… after nature’s behavior you are positive that you can’t be hurt but still the fear conquers you and makes you vigilant and tells you to run, to get out… and you don’t..

You wait for the night to go way and it won't... you look for the moon and the stars and you can’t see them … almost as if all communication with the outside world is shut down by a magical terrible invisible force.. you are alone in the dark… you can move around, touch things, enjoy every black dusty thing and you wait for that dark silent killer to find you… but he doesn’t…

There is no sound… no cars, no animals, no nothing… you can only hear the rain and the wind… the air is impossible to breath.. you seem to be inhaling smoke but you are still alive… your lungs feel the brutal impact… they seem heavy, almost like having someone pulling them down… you are not thirsty but you need to drink from the water in the pond you just came across… you can feel the liquid piercing through your whole body, marking the place it reaches with a short pin that you feel in your brain…

Your body cannot function this way.. but it does… you have chest pains, your heart is a big hard rock.. it balances with your lungs and gives you stability… but you are still alright .. you are not cold but your skin is not colored anymore.. you see no civilization and still that doesn’t make you be uncivilized …

The outdoors are changed but your roots are the same, your thoughts, your emotions, your joys, your disappointments… however you don’t wish for anything anymore… and how could you? In that place what can you wish for? There is nothing that brings you the slightest desire there… No likeable things whatsoever… But why won’t you try to find a way out?

Suddenly some stranger comes by and hands you a key… he says “I know why you are here… go north, this key will open any door you want but you can only open one!”… You try to answer but he can’t hear you… so you go north as he told you to… as the steps get harder and harder through the rocky dust you came across a castle.. the signs are all over, calling you to step inside.. and you do…

You find so many locked rooms there… each with it’s one color, posted description stamped on each one… it’s like someone offered you the way to escape, the door to do so and everything you need is in there, opened by that one key…

A burst of wind blasted into you… you felt this one… you could smell this one… it was a good sensation , perhaps the only one in this dark place… it makes you curious and you start looking at the descriptions on the door… each one is more tempted and comes with scenarios of happiness and of happy endings…

You read and you read… the letters are shining and they are lighted… some even blink… pushing you to pick one… and you read some more… the key is getting hot as you go from door to door… even the key is pushing you into picking a door… and you read more and more…

As the years pass you don’t even see that the doors are not ending… some descriptions you can’t even remember… somehow nothing impresses you… and you’re in a neutral place where there’s nothing for you there… Reading more and more , you can’t even see that your body is changing, wrinkles appear all over… you are not even sleeping… you can’t seem to see that you are old now… and the doors never end…

The key almost burned through your chest… it doesn’t even hurt… rain keeps falling, winds strikes you and you don’t feel a thing… you are focused on the doors that you read from… you don’t even have the desire or the strength to enter the room anymore… you just want to find out what is it that you were searching for all this time and in that dark lonely place…

While you were crawling on the ground, trying to read one more door… you realize that your end is close… your age won’t allow you to search anymore… the darkside owns you now.. by your own will you entered the black zone… and you didn’t find anything… you realize that what you lived outside the darkside was what you actually wanted… and still… you don’t regret… you were forsaken by every wish you ever had and your life passed… and you will become black ash drowned in that mist covered dust… but it was worth it…

- The End-

I am reading the doors now… where are you?

joi, 5 martie 2009

How do I feel?

Kid Rock Jackson Mississippi

Do we all feel like "Jackson, Mississippi" ?

© Micutz @ 2007-2010